Nicely Done
Very well done. I like the graphics. They are somewhat detailed and it showed you put some work into it. The style is interesting because it is a fighting flash and all types of fighting rocks! Music was well placed and was appropiate for the scenes. Sounded like actual combat music. There was some violence in it, like when he did the sneak attack. That was about it. Not much interactivity, except for the clicking of play and the links for sites at the end. There was some humor. I like how the author comes into his own animation to tell you what's going on. The author is very well drawn by the way. I really would like voices in there, the subtitles are too fast, so I can't wait for that. Also I get to hear Cambell's voice in a role other than Sage. That I'm looking forward to. Overall, it was very well done and it's obvious to see you put a lot of time into this. I'm just glad there was no intro screen you had to sit through this time. Yea I know I wrote alot, but that's because its the middle of the night and I'm bored. lol Ok, well I'm done. I'm going to bed.